Gayton McKenzie’s demand for home affairs in the spotlight as coalition talks start

PA leader Gayton Mckenzie, left, is in the spotlight during coalition talks. File image.
PA leader Gayton Mckenzie, left, is in the spotlight during coalition talks. File image.
Image: Freddy Mavunda

Patriotic Alliance (PA) leader Gayton McKenzie has again stirred the pot of political discourse on social media with his recent demand of wanting his right hand man, Kenny Kunene, to be home affairs minister as coalition negotiations ensue. 

“In these elections, [EFF leader Julius] Malema has made it clear he wants [EFF deputy president] Floyd [Shivambu] as finance minister. We want Kenny as home affairs minister,” he said. 

McKenzie made the demand amid ongoing political manoeuvring of coalition talks after this year's elections. His demand sparked a flurry of reactions across social media platforms, setting X abuzz with a mix of applause, scepticism, and humour.    

Some people praised his boldness and determination, with many users agreeing with his stance.

“He's got the patriotic heart, he wants to clean the country. I love his leadership skills. He will work tirelessly to clean everything that is wrong” Given Mpho Rams said on Facebook.

We fully support him. Give Kenny a DHA job to deal with all the corruption that is crippling our economy,” tweeted one supporter.

However, not everyone was quick to jump on the McKenzie bandwagon.

Social media user Jerome Fortuin said: “We need passionate South Africans in all departments. Not people who want a job.”

Another person on Twitter said: “Kenny can’t be employed at home affairs, let alone being minister of home affairs. Punching above your weight, my friend”

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