Bheki Cele says 'thieves' who broke into Verulam police station must be 'bored'

Police minister Bheki Cele downplayed a break-in at the Verulam police station.
Police minister Bheki Cele downplayed a break-in at the Verulam police station.
Image: Mfundo Mkhize

Three suspects broke into the Verulam police station on Wednesday night and allegedly made off with valuables.

Security company Reaction Unit South Africa (Rusa) said they were alerted to the forced entry which was discovered when SAPS officers reported for duty on Thursday.

Rusa's Prem Balram said they were asked to be on the lookout for three suspects responsible for breaking into the sector managers, communications and supply chain management offices.

Three suspects forced entry into several offices at the Verulam police station.
Three suspects forced entry into several offices at the Verulam police station.
Image: RUSA/Supplied

Police minister Bheki Cele addressed a briefing after recent fatalities in KwaZulu-Natal.

These included the mass murder of a family in Pietermaritzburg and a shoot-out between suspected criminals and police in Inanda.

He downplayed the police station break-in.

The criminals were “bored” and only stole a fan and plug, he said.

He hoped they would be “seriously charged” when arrested. 

Balram said in July a branded Verulam police vehicle was stolen from the station but later recovered nearby with its audio system and spare tyre missing.

A hijacked Isuzu bakkie recovered by Rusa officers in Mhlasini was also stolen from the station last year.



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