Meet your Daily Dispatch street vendor

Phumzile Yekelo
AT HIS POST: Phumzile Yekelo

Name and surname: Phumzile Yekelo                                                               

Nickname: Pura

Date of birth: June 6 1976

How long have you been working for the Daily Dispatch?
20 years

Which intersection/road are you based at?
Devereux Avenue

What time do you get to work?

Do you have regular customers?  

How did you come about the role of selling newspapers?  
A friend referred me.

What do you enjoy most about being a street vendor?  
Meeting and selling to regular customers and new ones.

Who or what is the most important thing to you?  

What are your hobbies?

What is the story of your career?
I have never had a job before this one. I sometimes do gardening jobs for customers.

Are you proud of the Daily Dispatch brand?

Do you read the newspaper yourself?

What is your favourite section of the Daily Dispatch?
Sport news

Do the attitudes of customers affect you and why?
Yes, good attitudes make me happy.

Who are your favourite sports team?  
Kaizer Chiefs

What is your favourite food?
Samp and beans

Any other comments?
I would to like to thank my customers for their support.



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