WATCH | Ramaphosa flies over Jagersfontein, hears of horror flood

More than 200 people are displaced and other are trying to rescue their possessions after a tailings dam wall burst, flooding the Free State town

President Cyril Ramaphosa has promised residents of Jagersfontein will not be left behind after scores of homes were flooded when a mine storage dam burst its banks.

The dam, which borders the town, burst on Sunday morning, forcing residents to run from their homes with nothing but the clothes on their backs. 

At least one person died and 40 others were injured and taken to hospital. More than 200 people had to leave their homes. 

“We went outside in our pyjamas and saw that the mine dam has collapsed. When they tried to go back to get our things the water had already entered the houses. My small car was pushed to the house next door,” said Jagersfontein resident Mashuping Maphalane.

Maphalane is living in a church hall with dozens of other residents.

Ramaphosa visited the area, flying over in a helicopter to assess the damage. He later heard stories from residents who said they've been complaining about the dam for some time. 

“I don’t want to hear of others being left behind and not getting help. I promise I won’t leave things hanging and not follow up. From tomorrow [Tuesday] I will seek a report on a weekly basis,” he said. 

The department of mineral resources has sent investigators to determine the cause of the burst. 



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