Booze ban fears fuel panic buying in East London ahead of Ramaphosa's address

East Londoners are stocking up on booze in an attempt to avoid disappointment.
East Londoners are stocking up on booze in an attempt to avoid disappointment.

With President Cyril Ramaphosa set to address the nation, panic buying set in on Tuesday as shoppers flocked to East London alcohol retailers.

DispatchLIVE spotted wary shoppers taking precautionary measures and stocking up on their favourite tippled, or whatever was available, just hours ahead of Ramaphosa's latest “family meeting”.

It’s a madhouse. People are buying cases and cases,” said a manager at the East London branch of Big Daddy's Liquor Stores after an afternoon spike in sales.

The man, who only identified himself as Chris, said the panic buying had been prompted by rumours that Ramaphosa would ban alcohol for 11 days.

“People think alcohol sales will be closed again. We have seen some bulk purchases especially after 4pm. When the president speaks, he normally closes alcohol sales immediately on the same night and people could be preparing for something like that again,” he added.

Ramaphosa is set to address the nation at 7.30pm.



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