'I want my daddy' - Bushiri supporters march for his release


Hundreds of supporters of Shepherd Bushiri are marching through the streets of Pretoria, demanding his release from police custody - after learning that he will spend another two nights behind bars.

The charismatic pastor and his wife Mary were arrested by police on Friday on charges related to money laundering and fraud. On Monday, they were scheduled to appear before the Pretoria Commercial Crimes Court. It is understood that they were remanded in custody until the couple returns to court on Wednesday.

His supporters, who had been singing and dancing outside the court from early Monday, had been waiting for an update what had happened inside the court.

Shepherd Bushiri, leader of the Enlightened Christian Gathering Church, and his wife Mary Bushiri, appeared before the Pretoria Specialised Commercial Crimes Court on February 4 2019. The couple were arrested on February 1 2019 on fraud and money laundering charges.

When news broke of the case being postponed, the crowd began marching through the streets near the court, pleading for his release.

Earlier, Pastor Paseka Mboro visited the court and asked the Bushiri supporters to remain calm. He also advised that the family had asked them to attend an evening meeting.


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