Protesters again burn tyres and block R72

Riot police threats of force to remove hundreds of angry Kenton-on-Sea protestors who blocked the busy R72 with burning tyres yesterday were shelved when top provincial government officials arrived minutes later.

Organisers of the service delivery protest pleaded with East London public order police (Pop) to extend their 20minute deadline to disperse to allow human settlements regional head William Perks time to get there.

“R72 commander” Hari David Nqosha, who told police he was part of the Big Brother community group which had organised the protest, and others warned there could be xenophobia attacks in nearby Ekuphumleni township if force was used to disperse angry residents.

“Do us a favour, wait 30 minutes, after that we will move from the road – that is all we are asking. After that, you can shoot people,” Nqosha said.

East London Pop commander Captain Michael Adams again warned they were blocking a national road, and said they did not need to negotiate with the protestors.

Nqosha and others pleaded with him to wait a little longer, hinting violence could spread to the township.

Police did not follow through on their threats and Perks arrived at 10am as scheduled.

This is the second time in two months the busy coastal road has been closed to traffic between Bushmans River and Port Alfred.

In late May, police dispersed the protestors and fought running battles with them before Perks arrived and promised their grievances would be addressed. Organisers said at the time problems included no construction of any low-cost housing in the township for more than 10 years, lack of adequate cattle grazing and business development, poor sewer infrastructure and other issues.

When Perks arrived yesterday, hundreds of protesters swamped his car on the crossroads. He told the crowd he had arrived to make a formal announcement that work would begin soon on 564 low-cost houses. He said that Ruwacon construction had been appointed to do the work and they were finalising the details.

“We have appointed an established developer with a good track record.”

Perks said the company was very active in Mdantsane and Mthatha and expressed confidence they would finish the project to “the approval of the whole Ndlambe area”.

He said details were being finalised on the contract and that work would be done with the help of a steering committee that included municipal officials, human settlements and the community.

Kobus Prinsloo of Ruwacon said the project would be finished within two years.

He however said a few issues had to be sorted out with the steering committee before they could peg stands.

A happier Nqosha said the community was angry with the long housing delays and had taken their grievances to the R72 as a last resort.

Ndlambe municipal manager Rolly Dumezweni admitted they needed to improve communication with communities over service delivery issues.

“If people got communication they would not go to the extent of illegal marches.”


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