A smile on someone’s face is enough reward for community worker ‘MaDabane’

Anelisa Mdyogolo pays it forward in her community, Mzamomhle in Gonubie, by donating essentials to those who are in need.
Anelisa Mdyogolo pays it forward in her community, Mzamomhle in Gonubie, by donating essentials to those who are in need.

After losing her job due to the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, Anelisa Mdyogolo found another way of keeping herself busy — by ploughing back into the community.

Mdyogolo, affectionately known as MaDabane, saw a need for basic school essentials and dignity packs in her community in Mzamomhle.

“After some casual jobs, I realised I am a person who loves seeing development in people’s lives,” she said.

“I started the Madabane Foundation with two pairs of school shoes my brother got as a donation at church, but did not use. 

“I asked for help from friends and family by posting a plea on my Facebook page.

“The response was overwhelming as people not only donated school shoes, but socks and preloved clothes too.”

Mdyogolo said that within a month she’d had more than 100 pairs of shoes, which she donated to a local school.

“While visiting the school, I decided to encourage pupils to pay it forward by helping one fellow pupil who they could see was in dire need of essentials.

“The teachers and community members helped in identifying beneficiaries as they deal with the children daily.”

Mdyogolo noticed that in her community unemployment was high and people were struggling to make ends meet.

This led to her starting another community project last year, “Ploughing a Seed in your Backyard”.

“Instead of worrying about where people’s next meal was coming from, I started a project where community members would grow their own vegetables in their backyards.

“This project has had a huge impact in people’s lives as now they grow their own food.”

She works with 30 people in the vegetable garden project.

“We donate the vegetables to households that are in dire need of help.

“With these donations I restore the dignity people feel they do not have or are losing.

“It is always my goal to see a smile on someone’s face, and hear how grateful they are for the small things the foundation has done for them.”

Mdyogolo has recently started a sanitary drive, collecting toiletries and other essentials for people.

“My hope was to donate sanitary pads and toiletries to schools before they closed for the holidays this month, but I was unable to do it. I will donate them when school pupils are back,” she said.

I would love to see each and every person in their respective communities making a difference by helping at least one person who is struggling

“I believe my purpose in life is ensuring everyone lives a dignified life.

“I would love to see each and every person in their respective communities making a difference by helping at least one person who is struggling.”

Nominator Talita Mgoqolo described Mdyogolo as a selfless individual who had made a significant difference in her community by providing the school shoes and sanitary items to children in need.

“Her tireless efforts have ensured that many young students have the essential tools to succeed in their education.

“Mdyogolo’s dedication to helping others is truly inspiring, and her foundation’s kindness has made a tangible difference in the lives of many children.

“They are a shining example of the power of community and the impact one person can have.”



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