BOWLED OUT: Border Cricket CEO Omphile Ramela has been suspended.
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Former SA A and Cape Cobras captain Omphile Ramela has been suspended from his position of Border Cricket CEO pending an investigation into “serious allegations” against him — just a year after he took over the reins.

Border Cricket president Simphiwe Ndzundzu said that director Sean Beyer had been appointed as the acting CEO in the short term while they investigated Ramela’s alleged misconduct, saying that Beyer had strong leadership and understanding of the association’s operations.

“The board has full confidence in Sean’s ability to lead the company during this time,” Ndzundzu said in a statement.

The statement did not specify what the charges against Ramela were. 

Contacted on Friday afternoon, Ramela said he was unaware of the suspension.

“They have not yet furnished me with allegations nor charges, so I am not sure what is going on,” Ramela said.

Ramela occupied the CEO position at Border in 2023 after it was made available when the provincial body fired Andile Mxenge on June 20 2022.

Mxenge was found guilty of gross dereliction, insubordination and dishonesty.

This is a developing story. 



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