Jabulani Khumalo during an urgent application to invalidate Jacob Zuma as leader of the uMkhonto we Sizwe Party at the electoral court sitting in the Johannesburg high court on June 3. (Photo by Gallo Images/Luba Lesolle)
Image: Lubabalo Lesolle
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As 58 members of the MK Party were sworn in as MPs at the National Assembly on Tuesday, the conspicuous absence of the party's founder, Jabulani Khumalo, raised questions.

This was further invigorated by a letter circulating on social media from parliament saying that Khumalo's name did not appear on the MPs' list, and he would not attend the swearing-in ceremony.

The letter from the secretary to the National Assembly, Masibulele Xaso, said Khumalo was not allowed to attend the ceremony.

“Our previous correspondence bears reference. Your name does not appear on our membership list and as such no arrangements will be made for you to travel to Cape Town for swearing-in as a member of the National Assembly.”

“Access to the parliamentary precinct will also not be granted. You may raise any issues you have in this regard with the designated party signatory, Mr Sihle Ngubane,” wrote Xaso.

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Khumalo has steadfastly maintained his position as the leader of the MK Party, dismissing his supposed expulsion by former president Jacob Zuma as ineffectual, arguing that he cannot be expelled from his own organisation.

The party formally requested parliament to not recognise Khumalo as a party representative.

In response, Khumalo sought legal intervention by attempting to interdict his removal. However, his application was dismissed by the court. The electoral court rejected Khumalo's bid for party leadership, supporting the decision of the Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC) to recognise Jacob Zuma as the party's president.

Khumalo intended to attend the National Assembly's inaugural session last week but was barred at the request of the MK Party.

In a subsequent legal manoeuvre Khumalo sought urgent reinstatement on the party’s parliamentary list through the Western Cape high court. Judge Derek Wille dismissed this application, citing a lack of urgency.

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