Nelson Mandela's grandson Mayibuye Mandela and other protesters were moved from Church Square and taken to the Pretoria Art Museum.
Image: Supplied
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Nelson Mandela's grandson Mayibuye Mandela is disappointed after his planned protest against the government of national unity (GNU) at President Cyril Ramaphosa's inauguration on Wednesday was foiled.

Mandela, who opposes the inclusion of the DA in the GNU, had planned to protest outside the Union Buildings during the event, but police stopped him before he could get to the inauguration.

He had planned to march to the Union Buildings from Church Square.

He told TimesLIVE he and a group of other protesters were approached by police while gathered at Church Square in the Pretoria CBD holding placards stating: “No to DA-ANC. No to new apartheid. No to GNU.”

“The police escorted us and took us to the [Pretoria] museum. They caged us. We were not allowed to go to the Union Buildings with our placards. We don't have the freedom to move around. Our rights have been violated,” he said.

“A group of ANC members also tried to disrupt our picket. We had to make a decision to call off the picket as it was viewed as disruptive.”

Though the march was called off, Mandela vowed to set another date.


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