Eastern Cape premier contender UDM leader Bantu Holomisa argues with IEC officials after being told he could not vote as his name did not appear on the voter's roll.
Image: Sikho Ntshobane
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UDM leader Bantu Holomisa was among many angry people who left the voting station at Mthatha Town Hall after being told their names were not on the voters' roll.

He told IEC officials that he had voted at the same voting station during the 2021 local government elections and registered at the same station earlier this year.

But the politician refused to speak to journalists after being told his name was not on the voters' roll on Wednesday.

Holomisa is contesting for the role of provincial premier after previously standing as a presidential candidate.

Earlier he told journalists there were many things wrong in SA, including the crumbling infrastructure.

Holomisa said the elections were an opportunity to choose a government of national unity and end one-party dominance.


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