Four killed in head on collision yesterday afternoon Picture: FILE
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Between 15 to 20 people were seriously injured when a taxi collided head-on with a SUV on the R55 in Olievenhoutbosch in Centurion‚ south of Pretoria‚ on Satiurday morning‚ paramedics said.

ER24 spokesperson Annine Siddall said ER24 paramedics arrived at the scene at around 10.17am to find found a man still trapped inside the taxi. Various emergency services were on scene treating the patients at the time.

Two children‚ one believed to be two years old and the other a year old‚ were among those who were injured in the collision.

“ER24 treated and transported the two-year-old child‚ who was in a critical condition‚ to a nearby hospital for further medical care.

“The patients were transported to approximately four different hospitals in the area by the different emergency services on scene‚” Siddall said.

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